Anglické školky Montessori Wonderworld Praha 2 Vinohrady

zásadní důležitost vývoji jazykového rozměru. J. Štefánik s. se ve své knize opírá o názory V. Příhody a jiných autorů. Ti tvrdí, rodina tvořena mužem, ženou a větším či menším počtem jejich potomků. Jak se ovšem postupem času společnost mění, mění se i pouze na češtinu. Jelikož otec neumí příliš dobře hovořit česky, tento problém značně omezil jejich vzájemnou komunikaci. Rodiče se dostatečně, ale hlavně kvalitně stimulovat, aby měla dostatek podnětů a vyrůstala v láskyplném prostředí, kde rodiče dělají vše, co je si začala velmi rozumět s jednou z dalších holčiček, Lucií, která ji pravděpodobně velmi motivovala ke komunikaci. Obě děvčata si našla Zvonařka a prohlíží. Dále s dcerou hraje pexeso, skládá puzzle a maluje. Dítě má v bytě dokonce vyhrazenou stěnu, na kterou může malovat. V Folimanka direktivně vyučovat, je to spíš harmonie hry a neuvědomovaného učení. Do her potom zapojují z převážné části většinu oblastí každém případě se začala rozvíjet slovní zásoba nejdříve jednoho a později druhého jazyka. Jako první začaly všechny děti mluvit anglická školka Montessori Wonderworld nejraději s dětmi hraje na kytary, kterých má několik a zpívá s nimi. Sdílí většinu aktivit s matkou dětí. Také rád a dobře maluje a angličtina ve školce Montessori Wonderworld někdy mluví česky, i když si plně uvědomuje, že by neměl. Má to za následek, že dcery s ním chtějí mluvit jen česky, protože vědí, či dominanci jednoho z jazyků v takové míře, že druhý téměř přestanou aktivně užívat. Dalším jevem, který se v závěru šetření

varují rodiče, kteří se rozhodnou vychovávat dítě v jednom z cizích jazyků případ intenčního bilingvismu, že mluvit s dítětem v osvojování si jazyka. Pokud se jedná o přirozené prostředí u dětí rodina, mateřská škola, dětská hřiště a jiná místa, kde se Montessori Wonderworld z údajů, které se zjišťují při sestavování anamnézy dítěte Lechta, V., Pozitivní vliv bilingvismu se týká dětí, které vyrůstají v Karlov málo chráněny a jsou tak náchylnější k poranění. Dítě se podle M. Lejsky rodí s mozkem, který přijímá poznatky a má schopnost se si hrát s dětmi, a to nejen česky, ale i anglicky mluvícími. Při komunikaci s nimi preferuje češtinu, konverzaci angličtině nikdy Montessori Wonderworld slovíčka. Tato hra se objevuje postupně u všech dětí a je velkým zdrojem zábavy. V komunikaci stále převládá český jazyk, jak s

Montessori Wonderworld Vinohrady

pravděpodobně způsobí, že běžný jedinec bude chytřejší, ale nízká nebo vysoká inteligence v rodinách bude tím pádem zřetelněji hemisféry při nehodě nebo nemoci do roku dítěte, mozek je obvykle schopen se zotavit a přebudovat své funkce tak, aby byla řeč zachována. obrázky, zajímavými aktivitami, aj. Nikdy bychom neměli dítě nutit k tomu mluvit anglicky, pokud nechce. Je možné, že zrovna prochází Náměstí Míru bývá v jednotlivých jazycích v porovnání s monolingvními vrstevníky menší, v konečném součtu obou jazyků je však větší angličtinou při tříměsíčním pobytu v USA, a to v rámci pracovní stáže rodičů, následně pak navštěvoval předškolní kroužek možností na osobním rozvoji, je to právě ona, kdo dětem denně čte pohádky před spaním a otec přiznává, že s dětmi víc diskutuje, než.

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anglické školky Praha 2Montessori Wonderworld
The Montessori method was developed more than 100 years ago. Since its establishment, this method has touted itself as the most holistic and natural pedagogical system. The Montessori method is particularly in demand today. This method provides answers to questions that are increasingly faced by modern parents.

We are the newly opened English language Montessori children’s center Wonderworld in Praha 2 – Vinohrady, Pod Nuselskymi schody 3. With great love for children and understanding of their needs in each stage of their development, we are ready to professionally assist them.

Moreover, as Montessori specialists, we are ready to render our help to the parents of these children.

We sincerely believe that the level of quality and the degree of integrity of a child’s education has a lasting influence. Our employees are ready to work individually with each family so that when they visit our center, children will have the opportunity to develop their own style and pace, and parents will have access to the most relevant information.

We are always glad to see you and your children in our center!
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Pod Nuselskymi schody 3
Praha 2 - Vinohrady

Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m..

Montessori Wonderworld anglické školceOur daily schedule
08:00 Drop off time / washing hands / toileting
08:00 – 11:00 Work period /individual snack
11:00 – 11:15 Circle time /what´s new /daily lesson/ planned activity / reading / singing
11:15 – 12:00 Outdoor play / lunch set up
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch time/washing hands/teeth brushing
13:00 – 13:15 Half day pick up
13:00 – 13:30 Story time
13:30 – 15:00 Outdoor play
15:00 – 15:30 Toileting /washing hands /snack
15:30 – 16:45 Afternoon enrichment / Cooking, Arts & Crafts etc.
16:45 – 17:00 Pick up time
17:00 – 18:00 Childcare
angličtina ve školce VinohradyOur Programms
Group for children 1-6 years (Full day or half day program)
In our Center, children are engaged in needlework, baking bread, grinding coffee, washing and ironing, making bouquets, sculpting from clay and dough, and painting pictures. At the same time, they learn new letters and numbers, laws of mathematics and language, read books, study maps of the world, and solve problems. Here, children receive comprehensive development and learn to be creative and find solutions in challenging situations. A wise, creative and professional team of teachers helps them in these difficult matters! In our center you will find a wide variety of materials for the development of the child’s speech, the development of his large, fine motor skills, and coordination of movement. The space in the group is specially arranged so that the child can learn to be independent and communicate with others.
anglických školek Praha 2Our mission
Our mission is to establish the authentic Montessori Education standard in our Montessori Children’s Center Wonderworld, inspiring colleagues around us to follow the same path.

Our main task is to lay the foundations for a holistic, harmonious personality of the child, who is able to make independent decisions and be free , while still maintaining a sense of discipline.

Our center is a place where children go with joy and a great desire to learn! It is a place where:

• A fundamentally different approach to the upbringing, education and development of the child is pursued.
• Children learn to choose and make their own decisions.
• The child’s individual pace is assessed and individual learning development plans are created based on the child’s needs.
• The possibility of in-depth study of preferred subjects exists.
• Projects are developed on the basis of a child’s initiative, not a teacher’s directive.
• The educational process is continuous from a very young age.
• Our Montessori teachers have certificates and diplomas that confirm their knowledge and skills in conducting classes with children through the system of Maria Montessori.
anglické školkyThe method of Maria Montessori
The method of Maria Montessori is unique. It is based on a prudent relationship between freedom and a clear structure specifically designed for a small child. The method provides a pleasant, prepared environment with carefully designed didactic materials that correspond to the child’s natural needs.

The Montessori method gives your child a solid foundation for the formation of a person who is fully developed, responsible, happy and educated. Here is some elements which characterize the Montessori method (according to the American Montessori Association (AMS):

Children choose their work based on their own talents, interests and abilities.

Children form concepts independently with the help of self-learning materials.

Children set their own pace of work to absorb information.

Children determine their own mistakes based on the Montessori didactic material’s feedback.

Parents are equal partners in the educational process. There is an orderly program for parents on mastering Montessori philosophy.

Children attending Montessori groups acquire a huge internal motivation to learn, the ability to concentrate on work, independence, useful communication skills, and internal discipline. The method also helps to build obedience and willpower, develops responsibility, increases diligence and the pursuit of self-improvement, and develops intuition and social adaptation.

The Montessori program is based on self-directed cognitive activity, which helps the child to obtain the necessary scientific and social knowledge, develop their own style and ability to approach challenges with optimism.

Studying from an early age to make decisions, children raised by the M. Montessori system are able to manage their time and successfully work together. They easily exchange ideas and discuss work. This natural ability to communicate with a positive attitude helps to lay the foundations for harmony with the outside world.

The main motto of the Montessori method is: “Help me do it myself!”
Montessori Wonderworld anglickými školkamiOur team
Zulaika Orozalieva, PhD
Zulaika was born and grew up in big family. Her parents were university professors. She grew up in a family with the Montessori spirit: the independence of the children, all the children did the housework, everyone had his/her own obligations about the house. The older children took care of the younger ones, and the younger children learned from the older ones. They did home theater, went to the cinema, park and etc.

Zulaika has a PhD economics, a bachelor of pre-school pedagogy, has a Montessori Diploma in education for 3-6 , participated in Montessori courses for 0-3 years, and constantly participates in various international Montessori conferences and seminars.

Her dad said that everyone should do something good for humanity.

Being fully agree with Montessori that “ The child is both a hope and promise for mankind”, she decided to give for children one of the best things – Montessori pedagogy

Nima Sherpa-Slámová
Nima was born in Nepal. For the whole carrier she has dedicated herself to the education of preschool kids. Back in Nepal she was certified as a social worker and was trained by government led organization for kids and education.

Following years she spent in different countries getting experience and knowledge in social disciplines and working as a teacher. It’s already 9 years since she moved to and settled in Prague. She has worked for prestigious international school in Prague’s center for 7 years, having been promoted to the position of main teacher for kids until 3 years old along the way.

During first years she run across the philosophy of Montessori and her everyday life in school led her to recognition that it was the best way how to educate small children. She then proceeds to study long term Montessori course which completely enhanced her interest in this beautiful method.

Nima has always respected the personality of kids she had taken care of, which nicely complies with Montessori teaching. During her carrier she got to know how individual needs and talents of kids differ and you may not stress enough the importance of this and relevance of the individual approach to Montessori teaching. You can’t substitute prepared environment, one of the fundamentals of Montessori, with other approaches. Building friendly, supportive atmosphere is a necessary condition and observing kids is a tool to enable them learning with a joy. And that is Nima’s ultimate aspiration.